PositiveNPRI think that I went into What Big Teeth expecting it to be coy about its magic and monsters, and was delighted when it quickly went full, unapologetic Addams Family ... The unraveling of this mystery does take its time, giving us lots of space to appreciate its cast of oddballs and misfits. The Zarrins are a tragic and prickly bunch, but as the story progressed, I found myself becoming increasingly fond of them ... Eleanor herself is sometimes a frustrating protagonist, retreating when I wish she\'d fight and remaining silent when I want her to probe more deeply. But as the story progresses and we learn the true depth of her alienation from everyone around her, I found myself understanding and sympathizing with her somewhat passive approach ... Szabo is very adept at picking and choosing traits that telegraph understanding without anchoring the characters to everything that\'s come before ... What Big Teeth gazes into that darkness to face the monster that dwells within.