RaveLambda Literary\"Walden draws on the defamiliarizing conventions of the sci-fi genre in a smart and surprising way ... Although the text of On a Sunbeam is limited entirely to dialogue, without captions or omniscient narration, Walden’s drawing style, recalling both H.R. Giger and Hayao Miyazaki, creates a productive tension between the characters’ absorption in one another and the relative vastness of the universe they inhabit. Walden draws the reader in not just with her story but with her transcendent renderings of crumbling architecture, starscapes, and alien forests. Though categorized as a young adult book, On a Sunbeam is a true work of art that deserves a place in the libraries of lovers of comics, sci-fi, romance, or literary fiction of any age.\
Emil Ferris
RaveThe Lambda Literary ReviewFerris’s obsessively detailed cross-hatching produces images that at once appear to be draft sketches and nuanced, fully-realized works of art. Her technique masterfully echoes Karen’s experience of being in the process of growth and moving towards understanding while at the same time knowing deep down both who she is and the answers to the frightening questions that drive her. Ferris’s artistic and narrative style makes readers feel, like Karen, that all of the clues they need are right in front of them, yet resolution remains just beyond reach ... timely and urgently relevant.