RaveThe Guardian (UK)... a potent meditation on the enduring legacy of Baldwin’s life and thought, a New York Times bestseller and one of a number of titles that have spoken to the soul of public outrage at George Floyd’s killing in Minneapolis last May ... \'What we are living through,\' Glaude writes of the current context, \'even with our cellphone cameras, is not unlike what Baldwin and so many others dealt with as the black freedom movement collapsed with the ascent of the Reagan revolution.\' Baldwin’s response demonstrates the resilience that’s needed to be a witness through an era of despair ... Glaude challenges this convention with conviction. He invites us with him to \'read Baldwin to the end\' and reveals a writer, not spent, but rather illuminating the path beyond despair – the work of a saint if ever there was such a thing. This witness through the dark times, which Glaude argues are upon us once again, is, he says, the true measure of Baldwin’s greatness: an enduring testament to his love and the belief that the US can and must be something more than it is.