PositiveThe Washington PostHechinger has delivered a deeply researched account that traces SAE from its roots to today — and offers a kind of book of revelation ... Hechinger’s instincts are right on when he writes that 'few American institutions face as wide a chasm between high-minded ideals and on-the-ground reality as the college fraternity' ... The most consequential aspect of Hechinger’s investigation of SAE concerns its struggle to address race within its membership. It also presents one of the book’s rare weaknesses. Hechinger admirably holds SAE accountable for its dismal record in recruiting minorities. But it is solely within that narrow scope that he examines the issue of race at all ... In the aftermath of the Rolling Stone debacle, journalist Sabrina Rubin Erdely said in court testimony that she had regrets about her reporting. She had spent five months on the story but did not vet her sources well enough, and she admitted that her endeavor into fraternity misdeeds went awry. In the meantime, thankfully, Hechinger wrote the new testament.