RaveThe Washington Independent Review of BooksThe story of a bright girl, verbally and physically abused by her father, who runs off with a heroin addict and ends up as a prostitute may seem unoriginal, but Lippman’s skill with atmosphere, character and suspense make Helen/Heloise’s story interesting and fresh. The only false note may be that Heloise is allegedly forgettable; an impeccably groomed, expensively dressed red-haired female lobbyist is unlikely to blend into the Annapolis woodwork, no matter how unmemorable her face ... Lippman has given us the elements of a great crime novel: a gritty story, vivid characters and a fast-moving, twisting plot. She has also mixed in some astute commentary on crime, hypocrisy and human nature — as well as on Maryland supermarkets.
Mary Norris
PositiveWashington Independent Review of Books\"Greek to Me bursts with a cheerful lust for all things Hellenic: the language, ancient and modern; the mythology; the wine; the sunshine; the sea; and, occasionally, the men ... If you’re not much of a word nerd, Norris’ clear, down-to-earth writing still may appeal to you ... The author is good company whether she’s marveling at ancient mosaics on Paphos, struggling with Greek bureaucracy to let her see the home of philhellene author Patrick Leigh Fermor, or flirting with the sailors on the ferry to Crete.\
J.D. Vance
PositiveThe Washington Independent Review of BooksVance looks at his family and birth culture with piercing honesty and a clear, vigorous style that carries the reader easily through a vivid, dysfunctional world ... Hillbilly Elegy is an entertaining and insightful read. The reader may not always agree with Vance’s conclusions, but his ability to show us the real people and experiences behind the sad statistics gives his book unmatched credibility and power.