PositiveThe Minneapolis Star TribuneAs days grow shorter, with a nip in the air, as ice rims the lakes and frost settles into the ground, my eagerness for the queen of all seasons, winter, grows commensurately. What a delight, then, to discover a book that speaks to this anticipation ... a novel exploration of various components of winter ... One of the charms of this book is that it was written in Europe. Brunner gives readers an insider’s glimpse into winter in the Old World ... what about St. Paul’s legendary Winter Carnival? There’s no mention of the ice palaces, the sculptures, the Vulcans. Minnesotans, I feel your indignation at this snub! ... briskly translated from the German by Mary Catherine Lawler, rendering it an easy read, if perhaps robbing the essays of some poetry ... The illustrations are delightful and help convey how the idea of winter fully engages the human imagination.