PositiveLocusThis is not a case of King retreading ground that he’s covered before. Rather, it’s an example of how he finds new angles from which to present familiar ideas rich with possibilities ... The second half of The Institute is a suspenseful chase scenario ... The novel’s worst horror is the complete dehumanization that the Institute imposes on the children ... Intentionally or not, King has written a very chilling parable for our times.
Paul Tremblay
PositiveLambda Literary... it’s safe to say that readers who enjoy Tremblay’s novels are going to appreciate the dynamic the short stories share with them ... shows Tremblay’s facility with segmented narratives. A number of the book’s selections are built from chapters or fragments that invite the reader to apply his or her own worst imaginings as the glue that stitches their pieces together ... Tremblay’s willingness to work in the creative universes of other artists as well as his own, and to do it so well, says more about his versatility and fearlessness as a writer than any of the foregoing commentary can.