MixedSignsEloquent Rage would be a great title for a furious tirade, but that’s not what it is. Cooper’s \'Capital B, Capital F\' for Black Feminism might also be for Big Feels, as she dives head first into them ... If anyone comes to this work expecting a personal memoir to unfold into a course reader on Black feminist thought, know that this is not what you will get. With Eloquent Rage, Cooper offers refreshingly honest and vulnerable insights into her life: a mapped journey of Black Feminist awareness as a mirror into herself ... her pronounced adoration of Beyoncé ... is one of a handful of misapplications of politics-as-personal where Cooper’s pure conjecture bludgeons the personhoods of those she would rather dismiss. Cooper is willing to psychologize critics as \'unpretty\' and \'unpopular\' perennial malcontents, and flatly misrepresents the words of bell hooks and others as speaking from a politics of resentment ... Ultimately, Eloquent Rage offers readers a front-row seat into one Black woman’s gestation into feminist awareness, but I am uneasy about the room it leaves for other Black women to do the same.