PositiveStorgy MagazineThe Only Good Indians was a blast, it started off with a break-neck frenetic vibe that drops the reader straight into the melting pot of America, where Jones is able to finely balance a social commentary (some of the bigoted views of a white America on those of the Native American demographic) with the unfolding and devastating drama that is unfolding before our very eyes – and the horror in this opening sequence, sets the pace for the whole book and of the nightmares to come. It’s dark, and gritty and bloody brilliant! ... it seemed to be written as a stream of consciousness, one that was harassed and harried, but once my mind settled down into the unfolding chaos, and being guided so deftly by Jones into the way of life for the Blackfeet Native American community and the life of our main protagonist (for this opening third of the book) Lewis. You can quite quickly see that the tools implemented and the feelings of being harassed and harried which are embedded in his stream of consciousness is a tool that is used to great effect at pulling the reader in ... The Only Good Indians main attraction for me, putting the horror aside for a moment was the characters and the character work that Jones delivers; and the depths of the inherent oppression this Blackfeet community faces, this hurt and pain and suffering for generations is sewn into the very fabric of this enchanting tale and the horrors of life, can’t be separated from the ongoing horrors of the narrative – they are one and of the same.