PositiveThe New York Times Book Review...fascinating...and occassionally weird ... Some of the finest sections are on the places Kurlansky visited for research — a valley in Tibet where \'the air is too thin for trees and at times feels too thin for humans,\' a feta-filled island in Greece where \'wild capers grow in the mountains between the rocks\' ... Milk! is a kind of stealth memoir — between the lines, it’s all Kurlansky, memory, taste. Now and then, he breaks through ... It’s the sort of book that Proust might have written had Proust become distracted by the madeleine.
Bruce Feiler
RaveThe New York Times Book ReviewIt’s this question ('If that’s not love, what is?') that Feiler brilliantly explores...Feiler examines each particular and how these particulars are newly understood in each generation. In short, you get the Adam and Eve you deserve ... It’s the best sort of exegesis, with Feiler finding Adam and Eves all over the modern world ... Feiler plunges into this thicket with verve, intelligence and style. He’s done a miraculous thing, the literary equivalent of breathing life into a figure made of clay — taken a story I’ve been hearing since services were held in the old sanctuary and made me experience it again as if for the first time.