RaveEsquire...with the release of a new book, The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump, these thin notions around the president’s instability are fortified for the first time, invigorating the probes surrounding the mental health of the president ...introduces 27 psychiatrists and mental health experts who make the case that 'anyone as mentally unstable as this man should not be entrusted with the life-and-death-powers of the presidency' ...conscience-clearing, but a deeper look reveals a new way to discuss just how volatile Trump and the American way of life has become ...they find consistent with narcissistic personality disorder, sociopathy, paranoia, hypomania, and other illnesses ...book exists to change the course of the public’s conversation around Trump’s mental health, from a dialogue centered on diatribes calling him childish or a clown to one that centers his perpetuation of 'malignant normality' ...illustrating how Trump is not a recent creation but the apotheosis of a collective American narcissism.