PositiveBooklistThe text provides some novel responses on being a Muslim today, in both Muslim-majority and -minority countries. It embraces diversity, intellectual freedom, and personal rights. While readers may differ with the narrative, it does provide a basis for introspection and debate.
Haroon Moghul
PositiveLibrary JournalReaders may not agree with the conclusions or methods of reasoning Moghul uses; they may even accuse him of omitting other sections of scripture that may challenge his interpretation. However, the work does provide a basis for introspection and debate for Muslims and non-Muslims ... Recommended for its novel perspectives and invitation for dialogue.
Hossein Kamaly
PositiveLibrary JournalEach chapter explores the tenor of Islam during a given subject’s lifetime and geographic location. Given the biographical focus, however, the broader coverage on Islam is somewhat disjointed. For some of the women mentioned, religion figures only tangentially into their recognized achievements ... Overall, a solid starting reference for those interested in women and Islamic studies, accessible and well-suited for both high school and college-level readers.
Jacob S. Dorman
RaveLibrary JournalA captivating reinterpretation of Muslim-American heritage. Spanning religion, history, and sociology, this will appeal to readers across these subjects.
Michael Muhammad Knight
PositiveBooklistThis is a collection of hadith based on personal preference. Libraries looking to add to their Islamic collections will find it of interest.
Juan Cole
PositiveBooklistAlthough this approach to historical analysis is relatively recent, and some may disagree with the interpretations here, the ideas presented deserve consideration. This book will be of interest to those studying early Muslim history and to those who want to use this as an illustrative example of the methodology used.