PositiveThe Spectator (UK)A.S. Barwich writes with charm and precision about our preconceptions of how the olfactory system works and how it is different from the other sensory mechanisms that keep us alive and (relatively) safe ... I am not qualified to judge Barwich’s book on a technical level. But I found it an illuminating discussion of the interface between the logical coherence of philosophy and the empirical disciplines of science, with wide relevance to other similar problems with modelling ... a fine pincer movement on a tricky subject.
Walter Isaacson
RaveThe Independent (UK)Even if you have no interest at all in the lives of businessmen, this is worth reading, and no surprise it\'s the number one bestseller in the US. It\'s a - literally - epic story, superbly told by Isaacson with none of the breathlessness of the usual boring hatchet-faced Chief Executive\'s Tale.