PositiveWashington PostA leukemia diagnosis split Jaouad’s life into two distinct parts: before and after. \'Between Two Kingdoms: A Memoir of a Life Interrupted\' is a beautifully crafted account of this split, this rupture — But what might be more harrowing, and ultimately more affecting, is the interiority of this book. Jaouad gives readers an intimate look not only into her experience but also into her thinking about the experience. Her insights about the self, connectedness, uncertainty and time speak to all of us, not only readers who’ve faced a life-changing — and potentially life-ending — diagnosis ... Jaouad’s self-awareness is part of what makes this book such a transformative read ... book about human connection, a book about the ways Jaouad, now 32, was held by others — the family and friends who cared for her, the doctors and nurses who tended to her, the patients she befriended, even the strangers whose generosity gave her more time.