RaveThe Wall Street Journal... [a] thrilling tour of potential cosmic doomsdays ... Beyond her deep expertise, Ms. Mack’s infectious enthusiasm for communicating the finer points of cosmological doom elevates The End of Everything over any other book on the topic I have read. Merely exploring the various forms of astrophysical apocalypse with witty, conversational prose is not enough. She ensures the reader understands them too, deploying brilliant analogies to explain mind-blowing astrophysical exotica. Most importantly, Ms. Mack is unafraid to grapple with what the end of all things, in its various possible forms, might mean for us here and now, and those wistful uncertainties powerfully resonate throughout the book.
David Epstein
PositiveScientific AmericanEpstein is well equipped to explain the complexities of the \'sports gene\' search. Time and time again, his deeply researched and nuanced investigations of the genetics underlying the athleticism of different races, genders and individuals reinforce a comforting, commonsense conclusion: excelling at sports isn\'t just a matter of natural talent or nurtured practice—it\'s both.