PositiveLibrary JournalSchaffhausen spins a dark, intriguing tale...The drama of Annalisa’s life, combined with her personal attachments to the case, will keep readers invested. The narrative is told both from Annalisa’s perspective and through the diaries of the Lovelorn Killer’s victims, which is attention-grabbing. As the case unfolds, the suspense builds ... There is no neat ending here, which leaves room for more books in the series. A great read, recommended for true crime fans and mystery lovers alike.
Chris Bohjalian
PositiveLibrary JournalBohjalian’s historical novel is full of twists and turns. Though not a typical suspense novel, the story has many of the page-turning plot lines of a thriller, and is sure to keep readers enthralled. Though it’s set in the 1600s, Mary’s story resonates today, as it addresses the role religious and societal expectations can play in the lives of individuals. A must-read and highly recommended.
Katrin Schumann
PositiveLibrary JournalSchumann’s debut novel brings a new perspective to sexual assault and how it affects families, with Katie’s story resonating with issues in today’s society ... Flashbacks to the past are intertwined with the narrative, and the slow reveal of detail will leave readers wanting more. With a surprise twist, this work is sure to please. For fans of Jodi Picoult.