RavePopSugarFor such a heavy subject matter, Dabiri\'s book is surprisingly lightweight and nonthreatening — a testament to the author\'s expert grasp of how divided we have all become and the desperate need for gentle guidance toward a better understanding of each other. The future that Dabiri proposes in What White People Can Do Next moves beyond a stale, centuries-old shouting match between what \'white people\' have done and what \'Black people\' have endured and is able to target our true common enemy — ideas of \'whiteness\' that are being used to deceive all of us. What White People Can Do Next is an enlightening and practical essay that offers a new way to talk about racial justice, a new narrative where everyone benefits, and one that offers the tools to \'build on the revolutionary ideas of the past, and forge new connections\' ... gives us all the opportunity to abandon guilt in conversations of racial injustice by realizing that however you racially identify, and whichever culture and country you are from, \'capitalism, patriarchy and white supremacy have seduced and press-ganged people into servitude,\' including white people ... reading What White People Can Do Next is an essential step toward an objectively healthier society.