RaveThe Telegraph (UK)\"If you want to know where our polarised, gullible, narcissistic world might end up, I advise you to read this book. The contemporary parallels in Harald Jähner’s irresistibly rich history of Germany’s Weimar Republic are so powerful that at least one of its impacts on a reader is likely to be that you will nod in appalled realization and murmur to yourself, \'So that’s how it goes\' ... Fascinatingly detailed, widely researched, memorably well written (and flawlessly translated by Shaun Whiteside), Vertigo is narrative history of the very best sort. We fully enter into Weimar’s flamboyant, divided, ultimately century-shattering decade and a half. And now, as then, in our world of sloganeering and papered-over divisions, of social-media credulity and extravagant excess, it shows us with disturbing sharpness just where our lack of serious self-examination may lead.\
Andrey Kurkov, trans. Boris Dralyuk
PositiveThe Telegraph (UK)The Silver Bone is witty and enjoyable, Boris Dralyuk’s translation is playful and subtle, and apart from the odd rough edge – an episode or character that leads nowhere – it promises rich storytelling in future instalments.
József Debreczeni
RaveThe Telegraph (UK)\"...superbly human, harsh and uncompromising ... his personal redress is that of the writer, leaving to us this superbly human, harsh and uncompromising story of his survival. In the face of contemporary atrocities, such as Russia’s in Ukraine or Hamas’s in Israel, it surely teaches us what we need to learn to prevent them.\
Alan Philps
RaveThe Telegraph (UK)Immaculately told ... Philps’s book is almost faultlessly balanced between racy narrative and historical analysis, though I wish he had not referred to Ukraine as Russia’s \"breadbasket\" ... The Red Hotel is a riveting trip through the labyrinthine corridors of Soviet disinformation, which taught the present regime all it knows.
Keiron Pim
RaveThe Telegraph (UK)[A] scrupulous account ... [A] fine biography, with [a] spirited, shrewd, thorough understanding of its times.