RaveEntropyHalf Gothic mystery, half meditation on the nature of family and inter-generational trauma, it is a book that intends to grab you and not let go ... Szabo writes with a deliberate pacing and genre awareness. They mix the tropes one would expect from a Gothic fantasy coming-of-age with a concerted effort to make the familiar unfamiliar. In the hands of another author, this might come off as more gimmick than heart. Szabo, however, ensures that this narrative remains thoroughly grounded as Eleanor struggles with desire, rejection, and loss—not all of it her own ... As with any coming-of-age story, love plays a major role. Here again, Szabo shows they’ve given this book deliberate thought and care. Love comes in many forms in this book, and Szabo takes the time to dig into what love means to a person who doesn’t even really know herself yet ... This book is slow and patient with its reader precisely because everything has a purpose ... As YA books go, this is a novel that doesn’t simply know its audience: it understands them.