RaveThe Christian Science MonitorPerry’s account is thorough and wrenching. It is difficult for an outsider to comprehend the ferocity of the Ndrangheta or the gruesome demands it makes of its constituents. While Cerreti’s work has made an indelible mark on the Ndrangheta, Perry leaves no doubt that securing any long-lasting gains will require much more than an enterprising prosecutor and her devoted team of attorneys and law enforcement professionals. The real healing begins when a society, even a small part of it, demands that the rotting appendage is not welcome within the body politic any longer.
Steve Coll
RaveThe Christian Science Monitor\"Coll’s meticulous research and well-placed sources combine to create a play-by-play drama portraying the personalities and relationships that drive public policy and shape world events ... While Coll is not the first to question Pakistan’s double game, Directorate S is the most comprehensive unclassified account to expose it by leveraging numerous sources across the domestic and international government and intelligence communities ... His relentless reporting and fastidious cultivation of sources is his hallmark, and Directorate S is no exception.\
Leslie Berlin
PositiveThe Christian Science MonitorIn Troublemakers: Silicon Valley’s Coming of Age, Leslie Berlin, the project historian for the Silicon Valley Archives at Stanford University, transports us to a Silicon Valley before the arrival of Internet behemoths the likes of Netflix and Salesforce, when giants such as Fairchild Semiconductor and Intel ruled the day ...follows six characters whose stories illustrate the meteoric transformation of Silicon Valley’s founding generation...overarching theme is that current technology is a direct product of the innovations, people, and industries that arose in the latter half of last century ...Berlin rightfully illustrates the nationwide alarm that resulted from the advent of a process that gave people editing power over human life ...Berlin is a historian, not an editorialist, and her charge is to deliver the narrative, a task that she does with great style and storytelling skill ...relies on a trove of unpublished primary sources, including interviews, that few would be able to synthesize so deftly. It is not too difficult to envision a sequel of sorts.