RaveiNews (UK)\"...this is a perceptive yet light-hearted read, suffused with Dench’s trademark twinkly-eyed humor. The format is clean and simple, a chapter-by-chapter question and answer trail through Dench’s interactions with the Shakespearean canon at so many of the country’s leading theatres. O’Hea asks something and off Dench goes with her insights and recollections, taking the work (mostly) seriously and herself not at all. Her enduring lifelong love of these plays, their humanity and universality, is unmistakable, but this is a refreshingly honest and unacademic take ... Dench’s scene-by-scene analysis of many works is sharp and her memory for seemingly inconsequential fragments, of line reading or costume, laser-like. Whether any but the most devoted acting student will want to be escorted through the minutiae of lesser-known dramas such as Coriolanus is up for debate, but there is much of general interest in her in-depth looks at Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.\