PositiveBook Slut...an unsettled and unsettling novel, an oblique work that grows more and more engrossing as it cycles down the slow wind of grief ... But the longer Threats soaks in its shivery atmosphere, the more its surface dread deepens into a legitimate and novel-dense case of despair ... The drip of his sanity is the force against which every character fights, until Threats\' narrative drive is not what will happen when the winter\'s frost finally thaws, but whether David, and by extension any of us, can be saved once the ice of loss sets in ... Gray\'s virtuosity doubles as a vouch for the humanity of her characters, which is all one may ask of good writing ... If Gray errs, it is in the too-consistent application of her tone. This happens on the prose level, which falls into an occasional declarative stutter, but comes through more in her slant-eyed rendering of every character, as if the author had only one warped lens at her disposal ... This cycle of life and decay infuses the novel\'s every sentence and last detail, creating a work that seems alive in its rigidity, and restless on behalf of the broken-hearted human beings that are stuck in its ice-wrapped world.