RaveLibrary JournalA provocative, insightful, disturbing, and well-researched indictment of Spotify, the music industry, and streaming platforms, which daily mine billions of data bits from users to maximize profits and churn out musical formulas. Highly recommended.
Peter Ames Carlin
PositiveLibrary JournalThough never pinpointing the reasons for the explosive, major-label success of a rebellious band, which ostensibly distrusted corporate rock, Carlin assembles a solid, much-needed narrative of one of the major alternative rock bands.
Owen Elliot-Kugell
PositiveLibrary JournalA unique perspective from the daughter of a rock star. General audiences will get a fresh glimpse into the manipulative music business, which demanded ceaseless hard work, personal sacrifices, and a determined focus on glittery celebrity.
Sonny Rollins, ed. Sam V. H. Reese
RaveLibrary JournalIlluminating diary entries by a jazz legend; highly recommended reading for fans, musicians, and general audiences.
Robert "Mack" McCormick, ed. John Troutman
RaveLibrary JournalThis page-turner, crime-thrillerlike odyssey leads readers through the American South for details about the blues guitarist ... A preface and afterward by Smithsonian curator Troutman provides needed context about McCormick and this book.
Aidan Levy
RaveLibrary JournalMeticulously moves from year to year with material gleaned from 200 interviews and much-neglected sources ... A memorable work that will become the standard biography of the saxophone giant and should be embraced by all jazz fans and general readers. Highly recommended.
RJ Smith
RaveLibrary JournalThis account may become the standard biography that may appeal to general readers. Smith lauds Berry’s accomplishments in music but also characterizes him as a lonely, self-destructive, moody, and aggressively sexual man.