PositiveBooklist... offers proof positive, as if it were needed, that [Julavits] is, indeed, a dyed-in-the-wool writer ... She shares her fascinations in easy, non-sequential, what-I-did-today essays that cover the amusing and comical—toy stethoscopes and how to pee, or not, into an airsick bag—as well as the philosophical, including the nature of gift giving. Julavits is thoughtful, imaginative, funny, and always entertaining.
Siddhartha Mukherjee
RaveBooklistThe eminently readable result is a weighty tale of an enigma that has remained outside the grasp of both the people who endeavored to know it and those who would prefer never to have become acquainted with it ... Alas, this is not a posthumous biography, but it is nonetheless a surprisingly accessible and encouraging narrative.