RaveSublime HorrorEach of the four novellas within this collection feel like a return to vintage King, though each accomplishes this feat through very different means ... ghoulishly delightful ... The image of an iPhone ringing while resting in the jacket pocket of a decomposing corpse, combined with the moral question of whether or not Craig is complicit in the deaths of his mundane enemies combine to create another enjoyable visit to King’s brand of gothic realism. The novella also allows readers to return to 2004, when the smartphone was a new and exciting piece of technology. King’s question of whether or not the power the iPhone (and, by extension, the internet) is too unwieldy remains vital and worth exploring ... The Life of Chuck shocked me in its ability to be bizarre, terrifying, and heart-wrenching all at once ... If It Bleeds seamlessly mixes the supernatural and detective fiction genres to create a truly thrilling read. It was a joy to spend some time with Holly Gibney again ... Overall, If It Bleeds is a fantastic addition to King’s considerable collection of short-form fiction. I highly recommend once more visiting the Stephen King Universe; it’s alive, well, and waiting for you in If It Bleeds.