Rave3:AM MagazineTo enter the space of All My Goodbyes is to cross a threshold into a broken world ... Like forensic archaeologists, we sift through the debris left behind by the narrator’s restless European years: the people and the places; the serial, menial jobs; the budding relationships; the houses that could have been made a home ... All My Goodbyes is, in part, an interrogation of the relationship between time and space. As such it captures the paradox inherent in the physical world as we currently understand it ... the fragmented nature of All My Goodbyes is not simply that of a postmodern non-linear narrative. There is nothing simple about this novella. Its narrative is not fragmented only because the work of memory makes a ruin of the forward flow of time ... Reality is broken, in the sense that it is composed of grains of space that, in Rovelli’s words, \'cannot be ordered in a common succession of ‘instants.\' This novella captures the unnerving experience of scientific doubt—a contagious sense, which the narrator learned early from her father, that the world is not what it seems.