RaveThe Financial Times... as [Krauss\'] new collection of short stories shows, her power lies not simply in her own ability to interrogate life—but in the way she calls on her readers to do the same
... One of Krauss’s gifts is her ability to instantly conjure up the intimacies of a world while probing it ... proves that the talent is not limited by a word count. Krauss can create a place in a phrase...Her characters also emerge real and fully formed ... The primary problem for this collection is likely to be the greedy demands of a fan base who are used to gorging on her novels and may be left wanting more. Yet a tantalising glimpse of a universe that exists just for a moment is surely the definition of a good short story ... It is true, however, that in a couple of the works here, you sense that the bare bones of the genre are not enough to flesh out Krauss’s bigger thought experiments ... Krauss’s questing intelligence is not for escapists, and readers who want distraction from the Covid-19 news cycle should take particular care ... Krauss’s writing is as lyrical as ever; beautiful phrases just keep on coming ... Krauss can also be wryly funny.