RaveNPR... should absolutely be on that gift list. In fact, buy an extra copy for yourself and read it as soon as comfortably possible. It is POSITIVELY DELIGHTFUL — all caps — from beginning to end ... Elston breaks the unspoken rule of publishing that warns authors not to fill their pages with a cast of thousands, but you\'ll be too busy giggling to care that you can\'t keep all the aunts and uncles straight. I\'ll be honest, though, I did find myself wishing for some sort of family tree by the end. But as long as you\'ve got a handle on the Fab Four (Sophie, her cousins Olivia and Charlie, and next-door-neighbor Wes) and the Evil Joes (Sophie\'s twin cousins Mary Jo and Jo Lynn), you\'ll be right as rain ... I was having an absolutely dreadful, anxiety-filled morning when I started reading 10 Blind Dates, and I have to say, it absolutely made my day. I can\'t guarantee that this book will do the same for you, but I dare you to try! When you\'re done with your pumpkin spice latte, of course.