PositiveThe Boston GlobeIt’s a guide, however, to new dimensions of thought. Davis makes translation seem like a sublime exercise of mind and self ... Davis’s adventures in translation are full of such realizations, and the lessons they sustain are encouraging. Reading for fun, it turns out, can make things happen ... A hopeful mood prevails in this book ... She makes it seem so obvious that reading a foreign language for enjoyment leads to astonishing new vistas, because she reminds us that fun is naturally propulsive ... This gets to the wonderful paradox of Davis as a translator, who finds a comfortable mode for thrilling mystery, for language far from home.
Chelsea Hodson
PositiveThe Believer Magazine[Chelsea Hodson is] precise about the most mysterious things, cool, and thoughtfully exploratory.... From the title on, [Tonight I’m Someone Else draws upon a concentrated attention to self that leads continually toward something new.