Science journalist Sally Adee breaks open the field of bioelectricity—the electric currents that run through our bodies and every living thing‚its misunderstood history, and why new discoveries will lead to new ways around antibiotic resistance, cleared arteries, and new ways to combat cancer.
Excellent ... Sally Adee has written an absorbing and fast-paced account of a field of research that could thus herald a whole new era of paradigm-shifting medicine. Moreover, she has done so without apparently drinking the Kool-Aid of today’s many bioelectricity boosters.
Ms. Adee writes as a reporter, but also an enthusiast ... Some of the research she describes is certainly remarkable, and her enthusiasm for bioelectricity’s enormous potential makes We Are Electric a lively read. Still, Ms. Adee is careful to acknowledge that it’s 'very, very early days.' Readers may want to insulate themselves a little from some of her higher-voltage claims.