A masterful, genre-defying narrative of the most ambitious science project ever conceived: NASA's deep-space mission to Europa — the Jovian moon where might swim the first known alien life in the solar system-powered by a motley team of obsessives and eccentrics.
Brown leaves no door closed as he covers the science, logistics, personalities, and politics of this extraordinary NASA mission. His extensively researched, humorous, raucous, dramatic, and pop-culture- and science-fiction-laced immersion in planetary science will have readers hanging on every word.
At nearly 400 pages dense with historical, biographical, and scientific detail, The Mission is not a quick read. That said, Brown is a nimble, gifted writer, downright Dickensian in his pointed descriptions and irreverent humor. His affection for the science and personalities that populate his tale is clear from the first page ... Brown’s language drew me in to the world of interplanetary science and made me a part of it.
Journalist Brown provides a narrative of one of the most ambitious science projects ever conceived: NASA’s deep-space mission to Europa. This true story has not been previously written about in such detail ... This inspiring story provides a look into some of the characteristics needed to make change in a large industrial complex. Extensive notes are provided for further research.An engaging read for all, especially for anyone curious about the details of space exploration.