In this third installment of Parker's series featuring Private Investigator Roland Ford, the titular P.I. hunts for a missing teenager and uncovers a dark conspiracy in his most personal case yet.
The novel steers readers through one of the most time-honored tropes in the hard-boiled genre ... The Last Good Guy is the best Roland Ford mystery yet, and one of Parker’s strongest. It’s a twisty cautionary tale that will leave readers pondering the damage done in the name of misguided religious fervor and patriotism and yearning for more good guys like Ford to bring justice to our world.
...there is nuance upon nuance, misdirection upon misdirection ... As is typical for Parker’s novels, the stage upon which the story unfolds is a microcosm of today’s America, with racism and intolerance, the escalating struggle between conservatives and liberals and the pervasive influence of megachurches and the politics espoused therein. As is also typical of Parker’s novels, it is a mighty fine read.
...Parker delivers another exceptional noir with the third installment of the series ... Readers of C.J. Box will enjoy the strong character development, fans of James Patterson will delight in the twists and turns, while T.C. Boyle fans will appreciate the atmospheric California setting.