In this sequel to Too Close to Breathe, the release of a man from prison for the brutal murder of his parents and attempted slaying of his sister coincides with the discovery of two bodies, drawing Irish Detective Chief Superintendent Frankie Sheehan into a complicated investigation that unearths town secrets and enters a media melee.
Olivia Kiernan’s latest mystery has a whipsaw plot and list of suspects that will chill your blood ... Kiernan spins this tale with gritty realism—you can feel the damp chill of an Irish summer and smell the creosote and salt along the coast ... Pitting loyalty to family against the search for truth and justice, The Killer in Me is a high-stakes noir page turner.
If you’re wondering how much mileage the much-abused police procedural format has left, a bracing dose of Olivia Kiernan will demonstrate how a talented novelist can shake off the clichés and produce something fresh ... Kiernan is skilful in her evocation of locale, and even better on her carefully differentiated cast of characters. But she is best of all on the accelerating tension, leading to a gruesome conclusion.
Kiernan’s smart writing carefully doles out twists and clues as the puzzle comes to an unexpected and edgy ending. Along the way, she paints a rich picture of contemporary Dublin life, its social pretenses and nothing-to-lose characters both crashing against the justice system. Readers will watch for more from Kiernan[.]