In Gilded Age New York, a centuries-long clash between two magical families ignites when a young witch must choose between love and loyalty, power and ambition.
... a bewitching coming-of-age story ... hooks you in from the start, its characters lively and complex and layered ... has a decidedly feminist tone to it, and this theme of women’s freedom through magic or self-means runs throughout the story. It is not overbearing in its portrayal of the limited choices afforded to women in the past, but it is a gentle reminder of how far (yet also how little) women have come in terms of economic freedom ... a delightful read imbued with magic that tells a story of power and legacy. Whole essays can and have been written about the word witch, and what it means to each progressive generation of women, who have increasingly reclaimed the word or identity. By setting this story during a time of social change in New York, The Age of Witches also becomes a novel about learning to embrace your own magic and power and using it for good.
Morgan’s beautifully conjured tale of three women, social mores, and the sanctity of self-determination is thoroughly enthralling ... Teens who like tales of witchcraft and magic will enjoy the spells cast in this Gilded Age tale about a young woman's future.
An Austen-esque romance, a heart-racing mystery full of dangerous twists and an anxiety-inducing yet enthralling family feud ... anything but a traditional tale of good versus evil ... The Age of Witches’ eloquent, flowery prose will please fans of Victorian British classics, and her detailed descriptions and attention to detail bring the locations and historical period to vivid life. New Yorkers will certainly recognize familiar locations in the picturesque setting, and for romance fans, the chemistry between Annis and an eventual suitor is palpable and skin-tingling. The Bishops’ magic is powerful yet elegant, far from some gaudy Halloween spectacle, and requires wisdom and skill to wield ... a perfect brew of meticulous skill and focused intention as the Bishops battle over their entangled lineage and futures.