The seemingly perfect life of Dr. Faith Finley, psychologist and host of hit radio show Someone's Listening, begins to fall apart when her husband disappears and a client accuses her of making unwanted sexual advancements. As the public turns on her, Faith begins receiving mysterious notes warning her of danger.
The novel is an addictive psychological thriller ... one of those stay up past-your -bedtime-just-one-more-chapter kinds of books. It’s true that Faith is a self-medicating unreliable narrator. She drinks. A lot. But also true is just how easy it is to follow her point of view and anything she says to get through these dreadful situations we experience with her ... Faith Finley, for all her flaws, is still an astute psychologist, so we also get to probe the minds of this cast of troubled characters she encounters through the spellbinding conclusion[.]
... a sharply written, twisty psychological thriller ... convincingly heartbreaking ... Told exclusively through Faith’s point of view, Someone’s Listening allows readers to easily empathize with Faith while clinging to an element of doubt. Is she lying about something? Is she keeping something from us? The mystery and ambiguity build with each subsequent chapter en route to a suspense-filled and breathless finale.