... splendid ... Though their subjects vary, the pieces have in common their excellence ... It is children, as well as literature, who capture and hold [Babbitt's] attention. She is a stalwart defender of both. As for her work, it speaks, or barks, for itself.
Barking with the Big Dogs: On Writing and Reading Books for Children compiles Babbitt’s speeches and articles spanning 34 years, and in many cases the work addresses the 'big dogs,' the writers and critics who focus on work meant for adults ... Throughout the timeless essays in Barking with the Big Dogs, Babbitt dissects these concepts [explored in children's books] for her adult audiences. Regardless of the reader’s age, imaginative work can invite people to step out of themselves and their everyday lives to explore other possibilities.
Writing with passion and insight, the author’s voice remains direct, incisive, witty, and true as she draws widely from the canon of children’s and adult literature. While some of her observations may be dated, most remain relevant as she astutely holds fast to the importance of giving children honest, hopeful, and entertaining stories in a changing world. A must for children’s literature professionals and aficionados.